
Hello! Here I share my research, my experiments, and my food…

I’m Dr Christopher Monk. I’m a specialist consultant in medieval culture and texts, working freelance in the heritage sector and with creative professionals. I’m also a cook.

This website showcases my research in the area of food history. As well as providing my readers with snippets of research related to my forthcoming book, How to Cook in the Fourteenth Century: Richard II’s Cookery Book, I’m producing YouTube cookery videos and writing recipes.

My food doesn’t stray too far from the original medieval recipes, which I source mainly from Middle English, Anglo-Norman and Old French cookery manuscripts, dating from the thirteenth to the fifteenth centuries.

I do, however, adapt the recipes for a modern kitchen, and my food always has a gluten-free option. Since I have a serious intolerance of gluten I like to be able to eat the stuff I’m cooking!

If you want to know more about my non-cookery-related work and collaborations, head over to my other website, where you can see some of the projects I’ve been involved in.

Please enjoy this website, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding medieval cookery or if you wish to interview/commission me. And if you wish, you can keep up to date with all posts by subscribing here:

All images Copyrighted © Christopher Monk 2020/2021.